Hello quilting fans!! Has a whole week passed by already?? Actually it seems a little longer than that. Anyway, I just wanted to post a few of my labels. What's a quilt without a label???
My Mother encouraged me to always put a label on a quilt, but I didn't really pay much attention to that advice (sorry, Mom) and now I know why it's important to take the time to do so. Last fall I was searching through Mom's closet trying to find some old quilts that my Grandmother Burnett had made. I found several, took them for Mom to see (she was in the hospital at the time) and she couldn't remember who really made them. Were they made by my Grandma or my Great Aunt Elsie or someone else - Hmm, well, we really don't know and never will.
So, I decided to not only label the quilts, but to also put in a little history, maybe what the quilt was for, who it was made for, or at least the date and my name. Here are a few samples of quilt labels I've made to identify them; I'm hoping that when someone reads the label, they'll say - "Oh, yeah, I remember when...." ps - of course, I mailed Emily's quilt without the label (Ooops), but nothing an envelope in the mail and a few stitches won't fix!
By the way, I've made lots of labels for other's quilts, I'd be glad to make a label for your quilt too, just let me know what you would like!!
Thanks for reading!!