Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hello quilting fans!! Has a whole week passed by already?? Actually it seems a little longer than that. Anyway, I just wanted to post a few of my labels. What's a quilt without a label???

My Mother encouraged me to always put a label on a quilt, but I didn't really pay much attention to that advice (sorry, Mom) and now I know why it's important to take the time to do so. Last fall I was searching through Mom's closet trying to find some old quilts that my Grandmother Burnett had made. I found several, took them for Mom to see (she was in the hospital at the time) and she couldn't remember who really made them. Were they made by my Grandma or my Great Aunt Elsie or someone else - Hmm, well, we really don't know and never will.

So, I decided to not only label the quilts, but to also put in a little history, maybe what the quilt was for, who it was made for, or at least the date and my name. Here are a few samples of quilt labels I've made to identify them; I'm hoping that when someone reads the label, they'll say - "Oh, yeah, I remember when...." ps - of course, I mailed Emily's quilt without the label (Ooops), but nothing an envelope in the mail and a few stitches won't fix!

By the way, I've made lots of labels for other's quilts, I'd be glad to make a label for your quilt too, just let me know what you would like!!

Thanks for reading!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Click on the Quilt 2009 Slideshow link, view the quilts and read about them, then vote on your favorite quilt. There are 3 more quilts that I HAVE to make this year, so I will be adding them as I get them done.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Emily's Quilt

Hi, this is my very first blog - so I hope I don't bore you to death! I decided that this year I would make a quilt for each of my children and grandchildren's birthday's. Of course I had someone tell me that I don't really HAVE to, but, I do. I said I was and now I'm going to do it. When I set my mind to do something - there is just no stopping me. So here are pics of quilt #7 for Emily who is 10 years old now. I will post later with pics of previous quilts, etc. Anyway, i think I'm doing pretty well considering that 1) I have only made 10 or so quilts in my life and 2) We're talking NINE quilts here!!! What was I thinking??? This quilt was fun to make with appliqued flowers, stitched on rick rack and quilting done on my embroidery machine!!! I'm in the experimental stages of using my embroidery machine for quilting, but seeing as I really don't know how to quilt except for "stitch in the ditch", this is the fastest way I know of to add some unique quilting. After doing this quilt, I have come to the conclusion that I WILL need to learn how to quilt or else pay someone to do it as this is not the easiest way to do the quilting. I do think it turned out well though.