Friday, February 14, 2014

Some quilting for Mom, some quilting for Me!

Mom used a panel print for the center of this quilt, then added borders.  I did all kinds of quilting on this and think it turned out rather nice!

Below are some swirls I added in irregular spaces, I stitched a large feather stitch in the wide leaf print with a funky stem and I added a meandering leafy/vine in the outer border!  A quick little figure 8 design fills in the space for the plain brown border - perfect!

And here is the quilting for Me!  I am still working (ever so slowly) on this Star Light quilt to enter in the fair this summer.  I have added quilting in the white triangular spaces surrounding the center block (well, if you look closely, I still need to finish a couple of them).  Couldn't wait to share this cuz I L O V E the quilting on this and quite frankly, I'm IMPRESSING MYSELF!  Hope you Enjoy the pics - oh, and if you'd like to see it in person, just let me know - I'd be happy to show it to you (I even allow touching which you can't do at the fair!!).  

 Thanks for stopping by...until next time...Enjoy!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Civil War Quilt

 Here is a sneak peak at another fabulous quilt made by Ann R, from North Platte and quilted by....ME!

I quilted two different motifs in the blocks - I love the quilting in the plain block and I love how you can see secondary designs appear - like the little sand dollar effect in the center of the block ( See last picture).  On the back you can see a secondary design of circles every where even though I did not quilt one single circle on this quilt.  So Fun!


I also love the vines on the border of the quilt - wow, what character that adds to the quilt!  I "stitched in the ditch" around all the leaves and vines, then did one row of echo quilting around them - I just love the way they turned out!  Enjoy - I'm off to work my other job now!!!